Stress tests permit a forward-looking analysis and a uniform approach to identifying potential risks to the banking system as a whole, but also to individual institutions;
A stress test covering households and firms exposures could offer important indications on their capacity to withstand macroeconomic shocks (such as sharp movements in interest rates, exchange rates, GDP, employment) and how their reaction to these shocks affects the banking sector.
Impact Drivers
- Public: To improve risk management by developing reliable models, able to signal potential threats generated by households and corporate sectors; to strengthen evidence supporting loan loss, general reserve provisioning and credit risk strategies to reduce credit risk cost
- Private: To improve the tools for monitoring financial stability
At present, the central bank and the banks do not have comprehensive models to stress test the households and corporate sectors credit exposures.
SPI Committee Involvement
To build up a common understanding on the use of stress tests in the process of monitoring financial stability at the banking system and individual banks level.Additional Information on SPI Committee.
Ion Dragulin
Project Owner (PO), Director National Bank of Romania
Florian Neagu
Project Manager (PM) , Head of Department National Bank of Romania
Viorel Hodoiu
Deputy Project Manager (DPM) , Casa de Economiisi Consemnatiuni
Members |
Mihai Stoica
Project Manager , Bancpost
Romulus Mircea
Expert , National Bank of Romania
Terms of Reference
Regulatory Impact Assessment
SPI Committee Documents
Technical Documents
Project Working Group Minutes